Taking the Heat (Batteries in Hot Weather)
July 25, 2021
Quick question. Which is tougher on a vehicle's battery, the heat or the cold? Believe it or not, it's the heat. Think about it. The battery often sits in the engine compartment next to that motor generating lots of heat. That can accelerate corrosion in the battery and may even cause water i... More

The Key Won't Turn! (Ignition Problems)
July 18, 2021
You've just arrived at the store shopping and you're ready to head home. You put your key in the ignition and oh, no! The ignition won't turn! What do you do now? Don't panic. There are some things you can do to get going again. The first thing to do is see if you have a locking steering wheel... More

Another Couple of Years: Making Your Vehicle Last With Help From Tuffy Fort Myers (Colonial Blvd)
July 11, 2021
A while back, the Cash for Clunkers program was all over the Florida news. Fort Myers people could trade in their old vehicle for a new one that got better gas mileage and receive a government rebate. A lot of Fort Myers motorists had so-called clunkers that they wanted to keep. They're good com... More

Winter Tires
July 4, 2021
What type of technology do you use? Do you prefer an 8-track tape or an iPod? When it comes to winter tires, much of Fort Myers driver's perception dates back to when 8-track was the best way to listen to the Bee Gees.Twenty years ago in Florida, winter tires differed from highway tires only in t... More